POTM Voting????

I am thinking of three comps....

One will be best auto.. <---- Westriot is keen for $20.00 store credit! Thanks mate! Your a legend!
Another will be best GU/Patch <------ Mr Paparazzi - $15.00 to the winner. Thanks again mate!
One will be Best NON auto/GU/Patch, insert or chase cards, printing plates and such. NO autos or GU allowed! :) . <--- for this one, I will send the winner a nice little pack of cards. I will absorb the postage from my house to anywhere in Australia. If your outside of Australia, I will ask that you just pay the difference...

I am adding two more!

Auto - Mr Paparazzi $15.00 to winner
Event Used - Needed?!?!?!?!?

Will be adding this info to the MMA board! :)

I am still waiting on 3 others to let me know if they are interested in donating to these comps.

I am also adding AFL auto and do they have GU? Maybe on the thread I am about to make on it you can tell me what else we can do.

I would suggest that a Gift Certificate of $10.00-$20.00 until we can really look to afford more. This is for fun, so leave the free boxes to Panini and the Mods.

Without going into long winded soap box this is my thoughts, remember, this is a gift from members to members, so its to be used in a fun way.

Please let me know your thoughts.....


Sounds awesome, might be tough with the AFL though. There is no GU and also the only auto is Draft Pick Signatures /499, which there is only 18 (i think) possible pulls, so pretty boring. :) It could work though :v:
make sure you keep the comps seperate in their respective forums mate..

also, you might struggle to find that many sponsors?? idk
make sure you keep the comps seperate in their respective forums mate..

also, you might struggle to find that many sponsors?? idk

just need two more... One for MMA/UFC Event Used
One for AFL.

I have already made threads in those codes.

Everything will run as its own entity... Thanks for that feedback, it could very well get over looked due to excitement on my part! :)
Has to be current. We all want to see what motivated you to push this to start again
LOL, Adam gets some hits hey! :) Lucky enough for him I am not in this months comp hey!

We will get this going today, I will make a new thread for it.

So get your verifications and scans ready!
i have a question - what if i haven't got a live break link or youtube link? it's a box that im currently breaking but i've been doing a pack a day. can i still participate?
i have a question - what if i haven't got a live break link or youtube link? it's a box that im currently breaking but i've been doing a pack a day. can i still participate?

That is will power! I would have busted the s*** outa the box straight away.

I think it is as long as the nominated 'hit' is opened in the month in question you are good. Don't think it has to be done as a live break. As long as you put up a scan and be honest about when it was pulled.

Although, I think there is a rule that if the cards pulled are better than a Kobe Bryant on card auto then you are not able to submit it until August. Not sure why, but its just the rules.LOL
The easiest way would be to make sure the box was going to be finished before the 21st of any month. That way there is no carry over. Once your done with your mental sadistic ways :) you can nominate the card you like the best. Remember there are three different categories we will have. I will post the rules and such later today, so I think this will be explained. However you did come up with a good comment that needed to be addressed. I mean, the prizes are not for a Jordan rookie graded psa 10.

All good! Thanks for the input.... Keep it coming!

That is will power! I would have busted the s*** outa the box straight away.

I think it is as long as the nominated 'hit' is opened in the month in question you are good. Don't think it has to be done as a live break. As long as you put up a scan and be honest about when it was pulled.

Although, I think there is a rule that if the cards pulled are better than a Kobe Bryant on card auto then you are not able to submit it until August. Not sure why, but its just the rules.LOL
Not to sound like a wet blanket but what was wrong with the old format? I would much rather see 3 prizes for 1st 2nd & 3rd cards regardless of auto/patch/whatever else they may be. I would rather see a prize go to the 2nd best kobe/mj auto than a gu /499 or on of paninis 1000 paralell cards.

if the new format does go ahead though say i pull a kobe patch auto can i enter this in both the gu/patch potm and the auto potm comps and potentially win both prizes? Also with the old comp there was always the issue with redemptions how would the new way deal with them?

Again these are just my opinions and Im all for it starting back up
Well, it appears the blanket is very wet!

Good points. I think you could make it so you can only nominate for one category. The insert/parallel section will at least allow some of the younger/newer/less cashed up members to have a chance to win something.

With the redemption, if they are Panini ones, they won't be able to be nominated because they will never get fulfilled!!!!

Not to sound like a wet blanket but what was wrong with the old format? I would much rather see 3 prizes for 1st 2nd & 3rd cards regardless of auto/patch/whatever else they may be. I would rather see a prize go to the 2nd best kobe/mj auto than a gu /499 or on of paninis 1000 paralell cards.

if the new format does go ahead though say i pull a kobe patch auto can i enter this in both the gu/patch potm and the auto potm comps and potentially win both prizes? Also with the old comp there was always the issue with redemptions how would the new way deal with them?

Again these are just my opinions and Im all for it starting back up
Better to hash this out now.... Basically, you pick which one you want to enter in.

Now as for the wet blanket. I have stepped up to volunteer to get this all together. You are a higher end collector, however there are set collectors who like the lower end cards as much as the higher end stuff. Lets not forget that I do not sell or make anything off this, but I am willing to use some of my collection to give a prize for a comp you most likely will not be interested in.

Lets say you buy a pack of cards from JOE BLOW at some local store, and get a chase cards numbered 02/25. Why should you be not rewarded in some way for having a go and getting a nice card?

This does not interest you? That's fine, but it does to someone else. The whole idea is to give everyone a go. If you wish to tap into your personal collection and give a reward for 2nd and 3rd place, then that would be very charitable of you. This is also open for anyone.... I have no issues expanding it for more winners, I like the idea....

Though we have a few nice people willing to come on board and give prizes, this does not mean look a gift horse in the mouth.

The nice people who are giving of prizes are happy with the way its being done, and they are the ones giving the prize. If they feel that they are happy with the set up, then the set up is what it is. its members giving members a chance at having some fun, not because someone is soooo close at getting the best pull.

So Kiwi comes up with a good idea... Anyone interested in giving adding to the prize fund for 2nd and 3rd place for autos, GU or non auto/gu? Please feel to contact myself and you will not have to do it every month.

Thanks Kiwi... Good idea mate!
I understand why it is trying to be set up like it is and infact i have no real issues if there is 100 different categories of potm if thats the way 90% of OCT want it run but you asked for opinons and ideas. My main thought though is why fix something thats not broken? if SMC was still floating this would never have been raised and people would have been quite content with it as it was.

There was never any reason why some one (a base collector for instance) couldnt have put any card up for nomination. POTM in my opinion was always for the best card you pulled every month be it base or a logoman and it got voted on accordingly.

Have the other 2 companies that were donating prizes been contacted (Cherry & DACW)? as they would probably be more than happy to keep the prizes they had offered in the previous comp aswell. I am also happy to send you a pile of stuff i dont need here for you to give away as prizes.

Another question kind of similar to the last if i bust a case of something say national treasures and pull a 1/1 Derrick Rose card, a Kobe Auto and a Kevin Durant 10 Colour Triple patch can i enter them in the seperate comps or can i only enter 1 of them in 1 comp? there just seems to be a lot of things that need to be nutted out this way where as before it was pretty clear cut. Like Manufactured patches do they count as a patch card or are they a base card/insert because of there often high #ing (all star patches from Season Update for example /499)

On the redemption front im pretty sure the general concensus when it was spoken about last was if you busted it in July and Panini (or whoever) got it back to you with 3 - 4 months time frame it would be eligable for that months POTM (October - November)

Dont take it as me having a go or trying to burn your ideas just IMO the easier and simpler you make it the better.
A) did we ever find out what happened to Shaun?? Hope the man is ok.

B) I always made whatever logo's etc he needed for this, so if I can continue the tradition, please don't hesitate to ask.

Be great to see this fire up again =D&gt;
Please see the flow of dialogue below... :)

I understand why it is trying to be set up like it is and infact i have no real issues if there is 100 different categories of potm if that's the way 90% of OCT want it run but you asked for opinions and ideas. My main thought though is why fix something thats not broken? if SMC was still floating this would never have been raised and people would have been quite content with it as it was.

Point taken... :)

There was never any reason why some one (a base collector for instance) couldn't have put any card up for nomination. POTM in my opinion was always for the best card you pulled every month be it base or a logoman and it got voted on accordingly.

Have the other 2 companies that were donating prizes been contacted (Cherry & DACW)? as they would probably be more than happy to keep the prizes they had offered in the previous comp as well. I am also happy to send you a pile of stuff i don't need here for you to give away as prizes.

Pile of stuff would be great. I could add it to mine and put it up on random.org and then let that pick what people get. That way, everyone is honest including myself for the doubters and can add some suspense to the winner.

I have over looked these two. I do not have any connections to either. If you wish to help and get them on board, please do so. I never intended to overlook anyone and the more that come to the party the better.

Another question kind of similar to the last if i bust a case of something say national treasures and pull a 1/1 Derrick Rose card, a Kobe Auto and a Kevin Durant 10 Colour Triple patch can i enter them in the seperate comps or can i only enter 1 of them in 1 comp? there just seems to be a lot of things that need to be nutted out this way where as before it was pretty clear cut. Like Manufactured patches do they count as a patch card or are they a base card/insert because of there often high #ing (all star patches from Season Update for example /499)

Yeah this is something that I have been hashing out all day... If we can get more people on board, we can do 5 categories... I am one that believes that all patches and GU are rubbish, as in, they are not who they say they are and I have no proof they were even in a game. In saying so, we need to take all patches, manufactured or not and let they be what they are. This is another debate for its own really, however to make it easy, lets just say patches and GU are just that....

1) Auto - with our without GU, that is the choice of the person submitting it.
2) Patch
3) Game Used Material - jersey, Shorts, Shoot around...
4)Auto/Game Used. Has to have both in it to submit
5) Everything else that is not above... Serial numbered parallel sets, 1/1 printing plates (if it has an auto, then you would put it into auto, or maybe this one)

On the redemption front I'm pretty sure the general consensus when it was spoken about last was if you busted it in July and Panini (or whoever) got it back to you with 3 - 4 months time frame it would be eligible for that months POTM (October - November)

I agree with this a lot actually. Listen, as someone said to me in my box break, its just cardboard until its in my hands. I couldn't agree more. So when its actually in your hot little hands, then you would be able to post it towards the pull of the month, whichever category it would be.

Don't take it as me having a go or trying to burn your ideas just IMO the easier and simpler you make it the better.

Thanks for saying this, and NO, I do not take it personally. I realize that I did ask for feedback and anyone willing to speak their mind in a constructive manor is someone who cares and wishes for the better. Though this can become a political event, it's better to hash out all the potential issues so it runs smooth. I am sure its not only my wish but anyone who comes to these boards to get the most of them and to make things FUN. Whatever it takes to get more people involved, new and old users, is a blessing to something that at times is very stagnant.
Good job mike. I'm impressed with you efforts so far. Im sure I can find some cards to help out and give you on the weekend.

The only comment I haven't agreed with so far was 'don't fix it if it isn't broken'.

Obviously it stopped! With anything else, if it has stopped, it usually means it's broken, so thanks for fixing it!
LOL, thanks for that... Yeah, we will kick this off when I get a response from Cheery and DAcardworld. But again, I want to say its not about me, its about us.

With that said, lets hope for the best in getting a positive read from Cheery and DAcardworld. Might start the comp next month but have a fun comp for this month that is a bit different. This way we can sort out all the issues that might come up and get everyone's views on the subject...

Otherwise, all is cool in Denmark! And I don't mean Denmark WA either! LOL

Good job mike. I'm impressed with you efforts so far. Im sure I can find some cards to help out and give you on the weekend.

The only comment I haven't agreed with so far was 'don't fix it if it isn't broken'.

Obviously it stopped! With anything else, if it has stopped, it usually means it's broken, so thanks for fixing it!
Ok.... as for manufactured patches, I personally don't think they should be able to be entered in the same category as normal patches seeing as it's so easy to get a nice looking patch in them because they aren't real and nice patches come so easy.

Also.... as for sponsors, have you thought of asking Welcome to Baseball Card Exchange if they are interested? They are/were site sponsors. :)
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