Please keep a look out for these cards stolen from me. (Kobe/Rondo Auto's) $100 Reward Offered.

Pretty low mate........ have you considered setting up a Google Alert!?
i havent heard of Google alert before so i googled it (lol) thats a great idea, thank you im gonna set that up in a minute.

s***..thats pretty nasty! have you contacted the authorities? hope you get them back....
yeah i will most likely go to the Authorities today, if anything just to have on file that they are stolen so i have a leg to stand on if they ever show up.
I'm guessing you know the person if it was from inside your house! That's such a low act! Will keep an eye out for ya mate, i'm always on the lookout for kobe autos!
thank you to everyone whos keeping a lookout, thats whats great about this community always looking out for each other. and actually i dont know any of the people who are potentially responsible for this. its a shame but this is a great strain on my new wife as it was her sister that was house sitting for us while we were gone, and she had a few people over and were guessing its someone she knows. i dont blame her but she feels like shit about it but were having this awkwardness about the situation that could potentially cause problems within the family. at this stage i might not actually report it to the police if thats what my wife wants just to not cause any family problems. but thats not a great outcome for me personally, i mean im willing to put family harmony over cardboard ("no matter how rare and expensive that cardboard may be" i say as i grind my teeth) but that just means that if the cards do surface, without a police report of the incident i may not be able to do much about it......
Well getting a police report is not accusing anyone, it's protecting yourself! Sticky situation to be in. However family is important, far more than any card.
Hi mate,
What happen to you is just wrong. You're right, sometimes it better not put strain in your family because of the hobby. You can always replace the cardboard but not your family. We will keep eye on the cards stolen from you and hopefully it will find its way back to your hands.
Sounds like a crime of opportunity more than a collector grabbing a valuable card to profit. The way you said 'in a display cabinet' makes me think that the person may not have known their value, but having them in a cabinet would let them know that there is some sort of value to them. This probably means that they will get sold off for bugger all as they would need to tell the buyer that they are hot if they want to keep it on the DL.


No one would think that they need to lock up their possessions in their own house though!

Hope you find them mate! I will keep an eye out, although tbh, I usually don't pay attention to anything Rondo for sale! lol

BTW, if you want help/ideas to lock up the cabinets you use, I can help ;)
I feel for you with that one mate, family members and friends arent immune to stealing. Its a common human trait unfortunately. Had it happen to me a couple of times.
Sounds like a crime of opportunity more than a collector grabbing a valuable card to profit. The way you said 'in a display cabinet' makes me think that the person may not have known their value, but having them in a cabinet would let them know that there is some sort of value to them. This probably means that they will get sold off for bugger all as they would need to tell the buyer that they are hot if they want to keep it on the DL.


No one would think that they need to lock up their possessions in their own house though!

Hope you find them mate! I will keep an eye out, although tbh, I usually don't pay attention to anything Rondo for sale! lol

BTW, if you want help/ideas to lock up the cabinets you use, I can help ;)

yeah i totally agree with you on the 'crime of oppurtunity' how could i tell who ever it was had no clue of values? because he left the Lebron auto that was sitting next to the rondo. i guess it was just a lucky grab that he managed to take one of my most expensive cards, and unlucky for him that he grabbed the rondo instead of the lebron or one of my 1/1s.

thanks for the offer on the locks ideas, but i really dont think i need them. i dont make a habit of having people i dont trust in my house, and this theft happened under unusual circumstances while i was out of the country. if i ever have someone house sit for an extended period of time like we had this past month, it will be all valuable cards into the safe. lesson learned.
I'm paranoid even If the house will be empty for a weekend all my rarer stuff goes into the safe and then i hide the safe! :cautious:
i swear to god...stealing these guys like 8 years old or something? never developed?
Also another idea mate is to use googles image searching thing they added recently..... you go to google images, then click the little camera icon on the right of the input box and then input the URL to the image of your card and it will find all similar looking images; you may find your card posted somewhere this way.
Oh wow that's fantastic. Thanks for the heads up on that.

Also we have decided we will go ahead and report this with the police tonight after work. So that will put me in a good position to make a claim if they do show up.
Oh wow that's fantastic. Thanks for the heads up on that.

Also we have decided we will go ahead and report this with the police tonight after work. So that will put me in a good position to make a claim if they do show up.

Awesome news, smart thing to do! Hopefully they show up soon mate.
Just thought I'd bump this up for anyone who hasn't seen. Really hoping someone here comes across these cards at some point.
thanks mate appreciate it! :thumbsup:

ive seen a few of those Rondo's on ebay atm, including a rarer gold #/9 version, very tempted to replace it!
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