very very cool. yeah they cost alot. i was reading an article last year before the ps3 came out, they said it would cost around $600. that price has gone out the window.
Me not getting one.. I am not too much into gaming dunno why..
sounds great.. i really wanted one, but then again, ps3 should work well with 32" + HDMI LOL, can't afford the TV =P~ =P~
i will be getting one as soon as i get back from the u.s, my mate is a manager at harvey norman so i get it super cheap
let us know what games are good max, i was thinking woods 07,f1 aswell but will also get an n.b.a game,gran turismo, tony hawk and some sort of war game.
you can play all ps2, ps games.. with better HDMI output.. that's why i decided not to get ps3.. coz in marketing perspective, they will continute to produce more ps2 games which can play in ps3....
I believe even ps2 games play quite nice in ps3 console..
to be under 500, i don't think it's possible at the moment, it could be the day, when everyone's using HD-DVD.. and blu-ray DVD player became like 150$...