PICS UP! results are in: pretty average! gold standard/certified/elite/sp auth....

Re: Breaking today: gold standard case, box of elite black, certified and 11/12 sp au

I'm bored.... Might just bust a case of gold!!!

Hmmm, but that wot cut it.... Better get some more boxes!!!

I mean, best of luck Aram ;)
Re: PICS UP! results are in: pretty average! gold standard/certified/elite/sp auth...

Best of Bustin luck to you!
Re: Breaking today: gold standard case, box of elite black, certified and 11/12 sp au

You may not be able to claim but someone from the US might would pay big $$$ for the ticket/redemption..............That's why........

Why... you can't claim them unless you're a US citizen...

Good luck though Aram, if you pull a 1/1 from GS I can hook you up with a guy who will want it
Re: PICS UP! results are in: pretty average! gold standard/certified/elite/sp auth...

Sick pat Riley. That should fetch some coin. I pulled the same amare gold piece from my case a few months back. :)
Re: PICS UP! results are in: pretty average! gold standard/certified/elite/sp auth...

I need the Pittman certified redemption mate. Let me know a price please!
Re: PICS UP! results are in: pretty average! gold standard/certified/elite/sp auth...

Sick DRob patch, awesome Amare, SCORE on the Kidd jersey numbered!
Re: PICS UP! results are in: pretty average! gold standard/certified/elite/sp auth...

Oooh pm me about the celtics autographs if you want to offload!
Re: PICS UP! results are in: pretty average! gold standard/certified/elite/sp auth...

Looks like you picked up a piece of 'Pooh'! Funny that he has a RC since he's been a fringe NBA player for about the past 5 years!
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