Thought I might post this again - it seems apt.
When I was younger, an old bloke told me that everything you needed to know about life you could find in a Test match.
There's the excitement. There's the exhilaration. There's the young lad looking for adventure, keen as mustard, impetuous, reckless, ready to take on the world single handed. The world is out there and he wants to take it. It's all white, clean flannels and soft, lush green grass and sunshine aplenty. The innings about to begin.
Then there's the old man: head full of experience, the weary lines, the patience, the nous. He knows his time is coming to a close. There's red shine on his slacks, and blood, dirt and sweat on his whites. The aches, the pains. Soon, the long shadows stretch across the field, and close the days play. The innings about to end.
There are ups. There are downs.
There is sun. There is rain.
There are mates and enemies.
Both sides can realise that the 'war' is just silly and be reconciled over a cold drink.
There are grudges. There is politics. There are sycophants and there are true believers. There are those who cheer you regardless and those who only clap when you're a winner.
There are riches awaiting those who toil.
There are those with God-given abilities and others who must graft, fighting for each crumb.
There are those who must wait. Those who get it easy. Others who fail, and cry 'it's just not fair!'. Some fail, and straighten their shoulders and carry on regardless.
There are things won and lost on the flip of a coin.
And all the while, the umpire adjudicates. His word is sacrosanct. He decides your fate. And when you're out, you're out.
Cricket is not just a sport, it is life.
Everything you need to know about life, you can find in a Test match.
So where ever you are right now, raise a glass of your favoured tipple. Or light a candle.
Take a moment to reflect.
Phillip Hughes. May you rest in peace. We won't be the same without you. Thank you for the memories.