hahahaha nice tully mate...i got the lauren jackson auto aswell...its a sweet card...of course..gf hates it!
Haha yeah I got the Jackson too. Why does your girl hate it? If she's worried about a gay chick who lives on the other side of the planet most of the time, she's got issues!
hahaha mate its not the fact thats its a chick..its the fact it is a basketball card...she just doesnt share the enthusiasm...now that i've seen the tully, im going for that too....
Haha yeah I hear you there! My girl just shakes her head and turns the other way. I'll get excited about a card and she'll give a big fake response but doesn't give 2 hoots. She's been quoted as calling this site a "Nerdfest"
Yeah stumbled upon the Tully in a lot with another WNBA auto of some chick I have never heard of and don't care...Katie Smith? $5 I thought was fineMight get some of the game used Jackson, Penny Taylor and Belinda Snell cards also...we'll see!
hahaha i hear ya mate...i've been labled a geek and a loser for collecting basketball cards...she wont get rid of me tho cos im her trophy bf!
$5 is bargain....i just searched for penny taylor auto but couldnt find one...the jackson game used stuff looks sweet.