Paul George PC Website


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eBay User
Hey guys,

Been spending some time over the past few weeks creating my PG website which houses images of all of my PG cards.

I'm going to be using this as a showoff site plus a wanted page. This will make it much easier for me to decipher if I have a card prior to purchasing.

Hit me up if you have any PG cards I'm missing. I'm happy to trade for them but won't be able to purchase anything for a while.

Thanks for looking!


Paul George PC
It always takes a lot of time to put these PC websites together and it looks great too mate. You're not an accountant are you - a lot of % in there :lol: Will be having a good flick through later today!

Only feedback I would give is that there is a lot of clicking to get all the way down to the actual cards. I started doing the same thing for my new site I am working on but decided to break it up by year and then just have subheadings on the page to break the products allowing the viewer to be able to scroll and see things easily. Not a criticism at all mate - just thought I would mention it. :)
It always takes a lot of time to put these PC websites together and it looks great too mate. You're not an accountant are you - a lot of % in there :lol: Will be having a good flick through later today!

Only feedback I would give is that there is a lot of clicking to get all the way down to the actual cards. I started doing the same thing for my new site I am working on but decided to break it up by year and then just have subheadings on the page to break the products allowing the viewer to be able to scroll and see things easily. Not a criticism at all mate - just thought I would mention it. :)
Haha. No not an accountant, I am an engineer though which may explain it.

I did have the thought of doing it the way you suggested but I figure I'd probably be using it more than anyone else and the way it is set out makes it quick and easy for me to find out of I have a certain card it not.

You are correct in saying this took quite some time but now it is up to a standard I'm happy with the upkeep shouldn't be too much.

Thanks for the feedback!
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