Sounds good Brett, i assume everything would be fully insured sending over & so forth?
I would be interested in knowing pricing, have a HEAP of cards I wouldn't mind getting graded.
This is great news. I look forward to sending you some stuff.
On a side note, have you got a price in 12/13 Gold Standard and a date for when you will have some boxes???
Thanks guys
Yeah everything will be insured, tracked both ways. Working on pricing etc at the moment but would be a bit cheaper if doing with me than by yourself and as you'll be sharing the insurance tracking costs with multiple customers so will be alot cheaper postage ways etc. Plus I'll get a priority service etc.
How about any customs fees, would you be organizing the appropriate paperwork to avoid this? I know some of my pc cards could get up to the limit pretty quickly, especially if combined with other peoples cards.
How about any customs fees, would you be organizing the appropriate paperwork to avoid this? I know some of my pc cards could get up to the limit pretty quickly, especially if combined with other peoples cards.
Will need to check on all these etc. Custom fees are unavoidable unless I can speak to an old mate at Customsand see as the product isnt technically changing hands just going away for grading.
Will need to check on all these etc. Custom fees are unavoidable unless I can speak to an old mate at Customsand see as the product isnt technically changing hands just going away for grading.
I brought this question up on another thread, and a member (can't remember exactly who) said that if you keep a copy of the submission form(s)
as proof to customs that you're just getting your property returned, that they shouldn't charge you any customs fees.
Think it might have been postgsl (Garth) who organized it a few years ago....?