Panini Redemption Delays

I feel your pain jkidd05, I got 2 Shane Larkin Gold Standard redemptions from this year knowing that the card is currently love and out there right now in the market place. They have been there about a month now with no movement (not as long as others I know). I have emailed David Sharp also with no response.

The hardest thing about that one is the card is not numbered so the worry is that there may not be more hitting Panini so I may well be stuck with 2 replacements of a player I don't collect which in a sense is highly unfair.

What ever happened to the days where is a player's stuff wasn't available, it didn't make the product? I remember having to wait for series 2 of some products in the 90's just to get a first year card of some player.
Currently have two Hockey redemptions still pending from April 2012 - one is a quad auto booklet that AFAIK is half done, the other is a Peerless Patch Auto of a top D-man that missed half of last season after a sliced achilles. Sitting on two more that I haven't lodged from this year's Crown Royale, that I don't know if I'll bother with given Panini have lost the NHL to Upper Deck. One's a Silo though....
I'm not sure I am going to purchase anymore redemption cards, the risk seems too high especially after reading so many people not receiving their cards. Even to wait 4 or 8 or 12 plus months is ridiculous let alone torturous especially if you've pulled an outstanding redemption or a PC card. I guess I got lucky I only had to wait 1-3 months. But then again there are members here who have had their redmeptions sent out in less than a week! The redemption process needs a massive shakeup.
Talking about this with a friend the other day!

Products should not be released without 99 % content. Can understand one or two players who are away overseas and couldn't sign etc.

My example I have 2 Kevin Durant autos outstanding yet he has signed about 20-30 cards newer than the two I am waiting for, one being from a 12/13 Product!!!

Buyers are also to blame with the amount of crap that gets through and 4000 thousand parallel's.
Received a email response from customer service.

Apparently it's going to be roughly another 6 - 7 weeks. This is on top of the 4 -6 weeks I was told 2 weeks ago. They are still doing baseball :rolleyes:

They did offer to replace the cards that were past the 4 month window. So they can replace requests but not fulfill requests on cards already available??!??

LOL this company is a absolute joke.

Until we get what was advertised... we essentially paid for a random code on white cardboard.

The valuable lesson here is- stay away from these redemptions like the plague.
Amazingly Topps is worse. Main reason I quit buying UFC boxes.

Panini, while slow, give me decent info in their response (i.e. Just waiting on player X to sign, player Y has yet to return their cards).

Topps told me a red ink Overeem was on its way. Months passed, and while it still said pending they assured me it was mailed out, though they'd never reply with any requested tracking info. After a multitude of emails more months later, someone higher up ended up telling me that the card is still yet to be signed. Along with two other.

Only redemption I got out of Topps was a sticker auto.
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