here is a quick update, i have given the seller negative feedback yesterday for not wanting to complete the sale and then this morning i wake up to an invoice from the guy and a plea to complete the sale.
here is the invoice:
1908184 PS3 BRAND NEW 12th MTH WARRANY 20-May-07 1 $299.00 $299.00
Postage: $21.99
Insurance: $75.00
GST Included: $39.60
Total Due: $435.59
now, nowhere in his add did he say that there was insurance of $75 and the other thing is it is an auction site and all auctions are G.S.T inclusive, so now in stead of having a ps3 at the measley sum of $322 he now wants $435.................this guy is an idiot.
i now have his address too, so scotty if you are up for it, i would like to go hurt him now![]()
Well, the way this is going, im never going to oztion.
Maybe its a company started by Ebay to keep people there by all the other versions of eBay suck