Respect the MVP!!
yeh can't wait for Extreme Fishing With Robson Green. I don't see how extreme it could be. Fine .. If Robson Green is standing on the edge of a speed boat, holding a fishing rope thats on fire and a hot as babe wrapped around his leg then sure .. I might just watch it but I'm 82% sure thats not on the show. And Moto GP. Don't get me started on that crap. Who watches it? Does anybody watch it ... Can the real Moto GP fan please stand up. Far Out. And Long Way Round. Alright, the show is good, but get rid of Ewan McGregger or McGreggor ... however you spell his name! Everytime I see him on something besides Star Wars it makes me believe that Obi Wan Kenobi is Fiction ... Obi is my role model. He taught Darth Vader the ways of the force ... that's a pretty good effort if you ask me. To summarise .. I don't give a s**t about the Bolt Report with that absolute ***** Andrew Bolt. O and 1 more thing about Moto GP .. even porn would be a better option over that show. I am so angry that they are doing this to channel 1, one of the best channels on free tv. I rest my case.
Best post ive seen since my
I agree ONE HD when released was suppose to be just sports wasnt it???I wouldnt call fishing a sport now.....Whats next Bird Watching???ONE HD you are the weakest link!!!......GOOD BYE!!!