Old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - MOJO pg 14

Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD

your much more patient than me mate... id have gone mental at ups/aust post by now for sure.. hope it works out for you
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD

Oh wow...... fully expected you to have them & busted by now! Really terrible service!!!
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD

Well Austpost can officially suck my nuts!
Seriously how can they have something sitting in their delivery office for a week and not deliver it by now? :mad::yellow::mad:

On another note could this be the longest live breaks thread ever without actually have a box busted? :lol:

lol my fleer hobby and retail case are still in the process haha. Mind you I moved to melb so will be hard to bust haha.
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD

lol my fleer hobby and retail case are still in the process haha. Mind you I moved to melb so will be hard to bust haha.

haha i was actually going to bump your thread asking wtf is going on :lol:

Got some good news though, boxes arrived today so looks like there could be some busting tonight :D
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

glad to hear you finally got them mate :)
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

You definately deserve huge mojo for all the hassles!
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

Good Luck Nick.

Hopefully theres more luck in the boxes than you get at poker stars haha
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

lmao Matt, maybe my luck will change tonight and i can win back a few $ in the tourney.
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

Good luck Nick, been waiting for this one to arrive for a while now!!!
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

stop writing messages on here and bust em ups!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

^^ yerh hurry up.. every one has been waiting for you to bust.. see what happens when u make a thread before the boxes come.. :lol:
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

Gotta love the anticipation :lol:

I'm still trying to get out of work, been waiting on a damn courier to pick something up for the past 2 hours so i can GTFO of here!
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

Gotta love the anticipation :lol:

I'm still trying to get out of work, been waiting on a damn courier to pick something up for the past 2 hours so i can GTFO of here!

Where's this courier coming from...Australia Post:lol:
Re: Some old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Boxes arrived! Some busting tonight Fri 15

Where's this courier coming from...Australia Post:lol:

lol =D>

Anyone around for a box of Topps Gallery? I'll just bust this one and maybe the Bowmans best for now then bust the rest after a feed :v:
Re: Old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Some busting tonight Fri 15th

PK 1:
Shaq - Masters

PK 2:
Trajan Langdon - Apprentices
Re: Old school boxes Fleer/Topps/UD - Some busting tonight Fri 15th

BOL :)

Hope the Best has an auto, they were pretty tough to get weren't they, 1 in 20 boxes or something
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