Official Sneakerheads Thread

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Joined Thursday banned Friday that has to be a record? 🤣
haha! Not always - was a previously banned member
i got shafted by Nike australia when i was buying the Nike AIr Jordan 1 '85 a few days ago!! literally the second they became available (10pm last saturday), i had them in my checkout and when i went to pay, I got a freakin stupid sms number verification popup that stalled me for about 30 seconds. after completing the sms mobile number verification step the shoes became sold out!!! I was cursing like hell. they were selling for i think it was $280, then the next day on stockX i saw people selling them for prices ranging between $1400 and $1800!!!
ive got my eye on the air jordan 5 SP due for release soon too. Nike promised me that sms verification is a one-off, so it shouldnt stall me in future purchases. damn you nike for that sms verification step!!!! damn you!!!
retro 85.jpg

these are the shoes I missed out on because of that ridiculous sms verification pop-up!!! they are limited edition to 23,000 made!!
i got shafted by Nike australia when i was buying the Nike AIr Jordan 1 '85 a few days ago!! literally the second they became available (10pm last saturday), i had them in my checkout and when i went to pay, I got a freakin stupid sms number verification popup that stalled me for about 30 seconds. after completing the sms mobile number verification step the shoes became sold out!!! I was cursing like hell. they were selling for i think it was $280, then the next day on stockX i saw people selling them for prices ranging between $1400 and $1800!!!
ive got my eye on the air jordan 5 SP due for release soon too. Nike promised me that sms verification is a one-off, so it shouldnt stall me in future purchases. damn you nike for that sms verification step!!!! damn you!!!

SImilar to you i got past the SMS verification stage, entered my card details to pay, and once i hit enter....the page just timed out
yep missed them air jordan 5 off-whites last night. site kept going down, then half an hour later the launch timer ended and they were no longer available. after that by a bit they came up as sold out. now they're selling for average $2,000 on ebay and stockX. thats just bullshit! im really starting to hate the way Nike do they SNKR launches!
My KD IV in Scoring Title colourway was wearing out, and I really don't want to use my KD IV in All-Star Galaxy Colourway (looks so nice with glow in the sole).


So picked up a couple to replace them, KD 8.....

Which my son ended up wearing and using.


And a pair of KD Trey 5 VII, which are the ones I wear right now to ball.


And while I was at it, bought a few more as 'spares' when those wear out.





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