Wait.... do you guys wear ANY of these shoes that you get in regularly??
Serious question!
I'm with you Slobby in that, I just don't dig the Jay 11 lows at all.. In fact, I do not own one pair of Jays at all. They just don't do it for me. I've owned probably 15 pairs in the last 10 years, but I found them inferior in comfort and performance compared to other Nike Kickz and just sold them. Everyone is nuts for them, which works out well for me as they demand so much attention, the kickz I chase sometimes go under the radar.
7 pairs! Yeah, that is a great price!hey sneakerheads I found this in my inbox with the auctions is this price any good? http://gregsonsonline.com.au/LotDetails.aspx?ItemID=250561&Source=Kr7o+UmLDIgJEbsfZVX2/ALtrS+Lm/LI3wWWxergxOpAKgnc7VH5Kw6f+3GH6U+t
U can only pickup in WAI cant work out how to bid i just registered
No probsAh ok if you win ill take a 9
Hey Adam if I get them I can sell them to u
NopeDid you win them. I saw the final price was very cheap.
NopeI got sniped