im thinking this prize pool will eventually be worth over $500-600
Only trailing Richo by 3 now
I'm coming to get you!!!!
There has been some pretty crazy results lately as well from the games...Should be a good close race between you 2 though
Hey Josh, Have you updated the prize pool on the first page with all the prizes as yet mate?
Give up! I'm tanking!
Don't know why, but I am
What a d***!!
I don't know how, but assume it was fat finger syndrome.... I ended up with the Pistons??? Against the Bulls???
Funniest part is they took them to OT
Don't like my chances of catching now!
Thanks to this and Lebron's clutch FT choke the other day!
I thought that was a serious tip. especially when they were up with 25 seconds to go!
I would have spewed if the Pistons had won and you told me is a mistake lol
I'm not counting my cards yet......
hahaha I know! I couldn't believe it when I checked and they were only down by 2... then again when it went to OT!!
Although, the Pistons should have won! There was a missed FT just before Rose's clutch 3 pointer!! Would have been funny!
But that is 2 tips I have lost to you this week due to some twat missing a clutch Free Throw!!!!
I was thinking I had you for a while there!