That is why I said I am now thinking I just don't like the NBL, because of the way they want the game called.
But there IS such thing as refs favouring one team. It doesn't mean they are doing it on purpose. Refs gets a number of calls wrong in every game of basketball. If more of those wrong calls go to one team, it is favouring them.
Its not a personal dig at your mates!
In grass roots and lower levels, yes I would not be surprised that it would happen... However I (with inside experience) do not believe this happens at all in the upper echelons of the sport in Australia. Australian referee's are known as some of the best in the world under the FIBA banner, and even suggesting that it happens is ridiculous. Whilst yes, calls are missed - I think you'd be surprised at what is actually deemed to be an incorrect call by FIBA interpretation. Example being bumping of cutters. Coaches preach this year in and year out, however it is an illegal move and is called accordingly, with much frustration from fans, players and team personnel. The national level referees, are critiqued on every game (sometimes by multiple people), both on the court, monthly fitness tests and rule exams. Last I checked, the rule exam needed a 95% pass rate, the fitness test is meerly a modified version of the beep test that can be found on the FIBA website for use, and on their calls being made within the game, within the officiating crew and within the Point of Emphasis being handed down from the leagues office. I can't give a number for the pass rate required on NBL finals, as I've never been involved in that from a mentoring / learning perspective, however I do know its a lot higher than the already stringent standards accepted during the season.
I believe favoring someone, is another word for cheating, so I'm a little quick to defend in that scenario only because I hate being accused of it myself by upset parent's in rep. The officials, particuarly at this level, honestly do not care who wins or loses a game, they just want the game to end without 'awakening' it and for the right team on the day to win. Wrong calls are always in the game and are apart of it (whether due to an unfortunate screen that blocks their view, or not being able to get to position fast enough in transition), which ever way they go. Some games they are for you, others against. It does not mean that the officials are helping the other side win by doing so, as this thread as established they have 'swung' both ways already this series...
In no way have I taken anything said as a personal attack against the referees on the series, I'm just purely wanting to open the education levels to the die hard fans of the sport, on what goes from the other side that we don't normally get to see. After all, a player can have 3 turn overs in a quarter and shoot bugger all from the field and still be amongst the games best. If a referee makes 3 questional calls in a game they're likely to be dropped at that level.
I think its a good discussion topic, no more no less. I love to talk hoops and this is a side that doesn't usually come up for discussion