Interview with KG
Matt Wrightson
As I prepared to sit down for my allocated 10 minutes with new Brooklyn Nets player Kevin Garnett, I wondered if he felt the same nervous anticipation and excitement as I was experiencing right now. He had just come out of a closed door team meeting. A new team, but straight in as the veteran leader. Alongside of Paul Pierce of course. They had been the perfect on court-off court duo with the Boston Celtics over the past 6 years and won an NBA Championship in 2008.
He looked years younger since I remember seeing him, pissed off after their game 6 playoff loss to the New York Knicks. The infamous perspiring was evident, not even having played basketball today. I liked to think that it comes from a fire within. One that has fueled the rise from first picking up a ball, to becoming an NBA champion. A fire that will not be extinguished until the heart stops beating.
The Nets were suddenly energised, and with a focused, driven, intense owner, not worried about venturing well into luxury tax territory, the expectations are high for the 2013-14 NBA season.
Garnett and Prokhorov are very alike. The same characteristics mentioned above are often used to describe Garnett. He is a culture changer. The ultimate hard worker and teammate. Heading in to his 19th season, he is a certain first ballot Hall of Fame inductee and a member of an elite club: the only player in history to tally more than 25000 points, 13500 rebounds, 5000 assists, 1750 blocks and 1500 steals.
MW: People are saying you are over the hill. What can you do for this team Kevin Garnett?
KG: Is a pitbull ever out of a dog fight? Does a champion boxer ever quit? I never quit on nobody, never. And I'll stop playin' this game on my damn terms, not anyone else's. Not any coach, not any GM, and certainly not no damn muhfkkn journalists ya feel me? Been doin' this a lotta damn years now and I still bring it 100%. Pre-season, Practice or game day. Plenty of miles on these legs and that translates to experience. Game time real time crunch time bonus points. I want the ball. I don't never wanna go off the court, coach the one gonna be keeping my minutes limited. Saving for the playoffs I guess. Probably a good idea but I like to keep warm, keep the motor running ya know? 48,000 minutes and counting......
MW: For sure. Why did you decide to waive your no trade clause?
KG: I spoke to Mr. Prokhorov, we clicked. He thinks like me. He has vision for this team that I respect and he inspires like no one I've heard since Kevin McHale. So why wouldn't I? In that short time I came to respect him as a person. That's gotta be there otherwise why would we go through what we do season after season?
And get a chance to come here with my homies Paul and Jet? AND play with JJ and DWill??? Man that kid can flat out ball. We up on this, y'all better watch out!
And for the record, the way PP34 got treated, that didn't sit well with me. He put blood, sweat, tears, heart, life into that ball club. He earned the right to retire a C in my opinion. Oh well, this here's a business. The school of life. So here we are. Let the lesson begin....
MW: Meaning?
KG: Meaning we all about to teach some people about respect. Loyalty. Heart. Brooklyn in the house.
MW: Well the sold out season ticket allocation would indicate that Brooklyn is excited, what are your hopes for this season? Realistically.
KG: Realistically? We can win it. We can win it. Me, Brook, Reggie Ev, Paul, Joe, Jet, Deron. I love our team. That's shit's the real deal. 100%
MW: Last question regarding the past. Were you sad to leave Boston?
KG: Boston was and is great. The fans - amazing. I'll never forget their support. The owners - brilliant. Danny (Ainge) did a great job assembling a team for one purpose and we achieved that goal the first year. That came to an end, everyone knows what we went through, the bad run of injuries, but I'm not about what might have been, we had a great run. I'll miss playing along side Rondo. And Jeff and Sully, they some good people. Now, my focus is winning in Brooklyn.
MW: There is quite the evolving rivalry with the Knicks, what do you make of it?
KG: Listen, any team with Melo is gonna be a threat, but truthfully, they ain't bringin' the firepower that we got. It's definitely gonna be entertaining for the fans this year. The main focus is gonna be on the Lakers/Clippers and the Heat. That's fine with us. We keep grindin' then everyone will look up and there we'll be, about to kick the door down. They too old. He will run out of gas. Anyone who knows me knows that is fuel to the fire. That keeps me going.
MW: Have you had time to tour the arena and facilities yet?
KG: Oh hell yeah. We played here once last season so I got to check out the visitors side, and now I seen how much better the home facilities are, all the good stuff over this side! (Laughs)
First class all the way. The weight room is epic, the recovery pools are amazing and I can't wait to meet the head trainer, that's the only thing I haven't got to do yet.
MW: Have you chosen a number yet?
KG: Oh, and that (Laughs) Not yet. What about 2? Goin' for ring number 2?
34 again? Na, my man Paul digs on that, probably wanna brawl for it ha ha. He got enough scars, I'll let him have three four.
Gotta have meaning you know? It'll come to me. And while I'm thinkin' on it, remind me to tell Jet he don't need to get no Net tattoo. That boy don't got any space left anyway does he? (Laughs)
MW: I thank you for your time KG, and I look forward to more conversations throughout the season.
KG: Any time.
Well, not really any time, but you know.
Disclaimer: Entertainment purposes only. I'm not a real journalist