Congrats to the Warriors. They deserve the record.
I understand why they went for it despite having locked up the #1 seed. If they didn't they wouldn't get the recognition as to just how dominant they have been all season.
I was on their bandwagon last season as soon as the Spurs were bounced, but I don;t know if I can this year if they meet the Spurs in the WCF. I might be too bitter

Maybe OKC will beat the Spurs in R2 and we won't need to play GSW.
I get the hype, I get the record, but some of the comments I am hearing and reading about this team is driving me nuts!!
"Draymond Green" is an MVP candidate - He is not even the most valuable on his own team, how could he possibly be the most valuable in the league???
"GSW has 3 franchise players" - What??? No, they have their franchise player, one of the best catch and shooters ever and a versatile third option.
Take Draymond or Klay out of that team and they still contend. Take Steph out and you lose. Simple!
/end rant
Bring on playoffs