he's got god damn ice in his veins that's how it happens. GTFO houston.
talking about leaving the most clutch late game shooter on the floor open.... ridiculous
Gutted, Lin denied lillard the ball in the 4th holding him to ZERO points.....
Mchale benches him for this play and doesn't tell the defense to switch either WTF !!!
Gotta give Lillard credit, balls so big I dunno how he runs around on court with them.....
Yeah good point re lillard can't take away from him.
Hardens defense is woeful all the time, I actually felt he at least give some energy tonight.
We need a coach who wants to coach and inspire, mchale wants to be mates with em.
Tell harden to expend some energy on defense or diminish his minutes.
Anyway so after acquiring the biggest free agent in the off season we are no better off than last year. Btw in no way is it's DH fault he was a beast, just need someone to coach them that has more than 3 offensive plays (fast break, ios harden or post up Howard) for starters and can motivate these guys to play defense and we'll be fine.
Parsons his to slow to chase lillard off the ball, mchale went with him for length, dumb move on a guy who shoots with easy from deep, from well behind the line.
Also why guard the inbounded with 0.9 left, deny the catch FFS.
I have had a disliked of mchales coaching all year, I guess I can take the positive that this result may assist with getting him replaced.
Cop that Dwight!
wonder what is being said!!! did Dwight say stuff during series that could have stirred him up? are they friendly off court?