Damn!! Was gonna buy into that one too... Lucky I didn't.
Unlucky for you. Heheh.
Saving the mojo for NT.
Only case breaks where each participant is sent there own box from a full case are allowed, and only with admins approval, even video breaks can be rigged as this thread shows,
Never hascards on cameraactually here are a couple of the vids
no harm in asking, but that is essentially the background to it!Fair enough ill stop asking
Thinking about jumping on this again..
had a crappy break on MOJOBREAK this morning.. one retired Auto card is all I got out of 5 boxes. cant even recall who it was..
What time is that in Perth? I'm useless with figuring times across time zones.
- Break is Scheduled for 09/19/2013 at 4pm EST
3hrs.. so 3am.. ok..WOW. I normally get up at 4:30am for work so I'll just have to get to bed a bit earlier tonight.
Don't want to miss getting random OKC and hitting that Payton Kemp Dual 1/2 !!!MOJO MOJO MOJO