Anyone happen to have a storm yowie for sale? ended up locating some of these and now have a full set minus storm. Let me know if anyone can help!
Wow nrl yowies. When did these come out, from way previous comments maybe last couple years? my mum gave me a large box of yowies years ago that she had been collecting as she helped out one of those church run op shops and she sorted all donated items n checked if they where in condition to resell hence she found a lot of them in bottom of donated boxes, including different cards now n again. so if they came out recently I won’t have any but if later maybe I better actually check what yowies I have lol. They look cool in a weird kind of way lol.

I heard from someone else that yowies where very popular and collectable but them people started painting the plain ones to look like the rare ones and as such the market was flooded with fakes n hence people stopped collecting them and value dropped out of yowie market. So was/am just gunna leave box alone n who knows 20/30/40+ years maybe my son now 14 will inherit either a box of semi worthless yowies or maybe a box of somewhat more valuable yowies there’s a few in there.

Mum also gave me a similar box full of tazos, folders, n collected tubes etc, did check these out n there are some nice full folders etc and different tazo sets in tubes that will slowly increase in value I guess, as you can sense my mum was a bit of a semi hoarder working there in respects to these and similar items, but there cool to look at now n again.
Just a bit of a update regarding these little guys.If some of the collector,s have not been able to finish there sets or find any YOWIES,Woolworths are now selling them.I saw them today at Carlingford Woolworths. I'm in the hills area tomorrow, so will check Winston Hills Woolworths.
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