True or not, given half the warriors are off contract for 2014, you'd have to think Cleary will target a couple of his former players. Johnson and Mateo would certainly ease the pain of Jenko leaving.
uncle said hes seen him there twice since last season sooo i guess its happening. although there so dumb but there laying out close to 3 mil for 3 years for thurston.
The Rotter at DT is reporting Jamie Lyon is asking for release from Manly to take juicy contract at the Titans. Guess it would solve Sea Eagles cap woes - but wouldn't Lyon get too homesick being out of state?
Just told my Para supporting wife who rang her Manly supporting brother.
Oh the circle is complete.
The joy.
I must say, I don't mind yelling "JUDAS" at him when ever he takes the field against Souths, just for my wife (it's the little things one does that mean the most in marriage - bwah ha ha ha!!!).