I guess if you want to have someone come in and divide the dressing room, piss off senior players and eventually walk away from the club leaving it in a mess Smith would be your man!!
Dragons are interested in Bellamy for 2014, they are preparing of giving him money to purchase a few stars, this is why we wont be buying anyone of note and tying up our good young players, 2013 will be a non event...
Dragons are interested in Bellamy for 2014, they are preparing of giving him money to purchase a few stars, this is why we wont be buying anyone of note and tying up our good young players, 2013 will be a non event...
I can't wait for the day a player at club X in 2015 signs to club Y in 2017 but gets canned to club Z in mid-2016 and reneges on the club Y deal. Then in mid-2017 moves to club B.