Apparently the Panthers Sports Science Department are also being audited.....if this is true then they must have been given the dud supplements.
This is the problem,Disclosing the problem but not Naming the Culprits already involved, All the clubs that are involved will be getting their stories right and Disposing of the Evidence while the drug agency gives them Plenty of time to clean house, Tell Us Who They Are Now.???![]()
I think you will find that the names of clubs and individuals will not be fully disclosed until civil or criminal proceedings have been commenced. With Social Media being so popular the scrutiny this could bring on an individual or club if named would make it almost impossible for a fair trial or court proceeding.
I listened to the entire briefing and gathered that this has been a protracted and proactive investigation by multiple LEA (Law Enforcement Agencies). I am not sure of the exact investigative processes used but could almost guarantee that it would have involved telephone intercepts and physical / electronic surveillance. There have been over 100 individual intelligence dossiers sent to various Federal and State Authorities which indicates they have all the evidence they need already and would not be concerned that evidence is currently being destroyed. Add to this the vast amount of coercive hearings that have been conducted (illegal to not answer questions in a coercive hearing) I think that there might be some seriously worried people out there tonight!
The report into drugs in sports has named 9 AFL clubs (6 Vic based), 7 NRL clubs, 3 A League clubs and over 90 individual athletes.
I totally understand the match fixing and illicit drug use thing but just love when the media get hold of an unknown word (peptide) to them and twist it into a good readThe performance enhancing drug side of the investigation seems to be getting the most attention but I am led to believe the investigation was three pronged and also focused on illicit drug use and supply and match fixing. I don't know anything about the properties of peptides other than what Mischa just posted but for the amount if resources having been poured into this there must be more going on than the misuse of performance enhancing drugs.
rumour from facebook - (Not necessarily a reliable source, hence "rumour")
Looks like either a poor choice of words by the reporter, or Mansour didn't get the memo... lol! Third paragraph...
Oops, how do I insert a link now?