I can predict the 2019 Elite inserts easy.
- Ruby, Saphire, Emerald League Sensations & Young guns. What the hell... might as well show in a diamond version to boot.
- Gold Parallel (maybe silver as well) Master &Apprentice + Sharp Shooters,
- Parallel Golden ticket for 3, 4 & 5 of the Master set,
- Parallel 300 Club subset,
- Parallel Dally M set. Maybe Ruby parallel set to boot.
Dibs on copyright for all of the above!
Whilst i like the look of the cards of recent years, ESP for the FIRST time in my life have lost me as a collector of the Elite series this year. They have totally lost the plot with the overkill on the parallel versions of various subsets. They have de-valued the NRL card market as a result over the years. Select cards prior to ESP actually held their value in the market. Look and learn dips***s.
I love NRL card collecting, however i am very disappointed in the road they have taken with their insert subsets in recent times. I personally have tolerated but this year enough is enough for me personally.
Wake up to yourselves before you kill off this enjoyable hobby for so many people! Be original and stop the ever increasing parallel versions of effing EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
I've been hearing for a couple of years now that this was always going to be the last iteration of Elite in it's current format, with 2019 expected to be a complete overhaul of the product. So i'd be very surprised if it looked anything like that prediction.