Fake signature cards too, there's a whole thread about their dodgy practices on the soccer forums. One example is Arsenal Legend Ian Wright who was asked if he ever signed any Futera cards, the card was shown to him, and he straight away clarified he did not sign the card.
I was a tad confused as to why ESP were using Futera, especially when ESP's advisors for past releases were ripped of in the thousands by Futera in the 90's. But with TLA in the picture it all makes sense as to how these crooks are making there way back to Aus. Good luck to TLA with selling their stuff here, not much of a Futera market here as people have been catching on with their practices.
I have so much info on this mob I could write a book, maybe I should called the Futera File. The Berryman's (Futera owners) are a smart bunch, first ransacking people here in Aus then heading off the NZ and doing the same until they reached UK. Then they took things to another level, but hey, a leopard can't change its spots.
Of all the years I have been on the topic of Futera, nothing beats what an ex Director said to me, 'I left as it was only a matter of time before the AFP caught on' this pretty much sums up Futera for me lol.
WOW that sucks was looking forward to some new card ideas from a different company. Here's hoping Elite will be a good release?