Nrl 2011

I would be surprrised that anything on the list is correct ...

Never has a truer word been spoken, its interesting all the speculation on who is on this card and who is on that card, untill someone actually gets the flyer and we get confirmation of which players are featured stating stuff like if its such and such I will never buy another Select card again is hilarious.
I am not gonna lie. No matter how bad select is, as long as they are the only company making NRL cards, I will buy there Cowboys cards.
Good on Select for having some sigs in this set. I totally wasn't expecting it, but they have listened to collectors and given them what they want.

Only bummer is they haven't done a Knights one, so I won't be buying any sigs, anyway,
I am not gonna lie. No matter how bad select is, as long as they are the only company making NRL cards, I will buy there Cowboys cards.

Not a truer word has been said.....we have no choice if we want to collect cards to feed our addiction and as thenamesgould rightly says at least this set appears to be a positive move away from the same old same old we have been dished up lately.

Definetly not me. I unfortunately receive my mail very late in the afternoon. My postman doesn't believe in a motorbike and spends the entire day walking around the suburb delivering mail by foot, and my street seems to be right at the end of his run (about 4pm) :(
Got mine, will post as soon as scanned

---------- Post added 14-02-2011 at 12:42 PM ----------

Promo cards are Todd Carney, Nathan Friend & Josh Dugan Base with a Matt Gillette Rookie
Here it is

NRL 2011.jpg
Awesome.. I actually like the idea of champions being a recurring name.. With slight variations every year it's good.. Assuming we still get the second set!!
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