No Sene Thursday


Exq Auto Patches rule!
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Well, sadly none in today, they are drying up and I think I have most of the Auto's now.

Anyway, it's black time again :woot:

Dual Jersey's











And a Quad Jersey



the allen is cool, the quads just r sweet and the jermaine is nice with the 2 clrs and the stripe 2
wall3ace - Thanks bud :D
Yeah, I know, getting hard to find things I don't have of the guy in terms of auto's. So, will have to work on doubles ;)

bas - Thanks bud :D
Yeah, don't mind the quads at all. And I love the dual's, think they will look fab when I complete the chase.
wwow tons of black /99... are u almost done with /99 now??

very sweet cards indeed..

no Sene, but i am pretty sure you have almost all of his cards now.. lol
scottsophie - Thanks bud :D

Ersk - Thanks :D

AndrewG23 - Thanks for the nice comments bud :D

nandalinnaung - Thanks bud :D
Dual #99 set is one going, still need a few more to complete the project. Should look great when done, if I ever get there. Fingers crossed.

:lol: Yeah, I just about have all his auto's covered, but i'm sure some will pop up that I have never seen. Stil, doubles or triple wouldn't hurt the PC if they popped up.
what just all ud black how can i have a go at your mailday when you only show ud black.i think you are just trying to take my fun away :cry: .i have been watching out for your sene cards.i want to know what cards of his from this year you have please mike as i think i have found one from 06/07 i have not seen you show.
thanks tony :D
tony - Yeah, how lame huh :lol:
Hhmmmm, I don't have a list as such, how about you just ask me ;)

ace e - Thanks bud :D
Yeah, it is going well, but like anything, have to be diligent and keep looking out for them last few I need. One of the trying times of a set collector :D
all very nice UD Blacks as usual, really like the Ray Allen quad jersey card and the O'neal card is my fav really like the jerseys in it.
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