nandalinnaung - Thanks bud
Dual #99 set is one going, still need a few more to complete the project. Should look great when done, if I ever get there. Fingers crossed.
Yeah, I just about have all his auto's covered, but i'm sure some will pop up that I have never seen. Stil, doubles or triple wouldn't hurt the PC if they popped up.
what just all ud black how can i have a go at your mailday when you only show ud black.i think you are just trying to take my fun away .i have been watching out for your sene cards.i want to know what cards of his from this year you have please mike as i think i have found one from 06/07 i have not seen you show.
thanks tony
tony - Yeah, how lame huh
Hhmmmm, I don't have a list as such, how about you just ask me
ace e - Thanks bud
Yeah, it is going well, but like anything, have to be diligent and keep looking out for them last few I need. One of the trying times of a set collector