Thanks for all the comments guys!
AJ: Those Smith's could be in the wrong PC, but then I decided I need to collect my own nameplate and since Chronology neglected to put me in the set...
Breakerswitch: Thanks mate! Yeah has been rather full of mail this week cause heap of stuff I liked came up a week ago. In 2 weeks time, I'll be back to normal

Tony: Hmmm maybe I should complain? I would, but then I'm never home to see him cause of work. Hopefully he's just being slack cause I've had a bunch of 8 package days... We'll see when it cuts back again! Thanks for the suggestion
Bianca: Thanks!
Dream: Haha totally agree. Not collecting Carney and only after Smith's nameplate since it's same as mine. Thanks for the comment
Pete: If you have trouble with the Brewer Premium Patch, you know where 1 is to aid you
Andy: Thanks mate

Not sure what Mike will like more, me winning a few for him (I bid on alot more, but just watch bids) or me keeping the prices up! haha
Moses: Thanks mate, yeah my fav in that bunch other than the 1/1 is probably the Reggie base! haha
Dickynee: Thanks! Haha to be honest I don;t like to think about what they set me back! but suprisingly, I don;t think I got the raw end of the stick.
Jayzhou: Haha you and you're MJ love

But yes, the Kidd auto is great! Was happy to find that 1 and Sorry to Norm for out sniping! had we chatted we would have got it at half the final price

As for Mike, nope just helping him out
Marion matrix: Thanks mate
Linn: There'll be some more, but not this big I wouldn't think. Glad to share
Lippo: Haha thanks man! Yeah was in talks with Mike on the Sene's so I guess my account was being 'shared'
Matt (Nash): Thanks!
Scotty: Cheers mate
Ersk: Yeah happy with the set completion. And also have 1 of the Avery Johnson's where he signed correctly, but decided I'd keep this 1 too since it's unique. I wasn;t a big wrap for the lettermans either, but having got Brewer, they are nice, so decided on my name plate too via Craig

And the 1/1, Set me back a bit, but by no means my most expensive card...or even in my top 5

I think I was simply lucky to find it listed as a BIN within hours of listing.
Benny: Thanks mate!
ljandkg: haha don;t give up the 1 carders! I simply do weeklys now cause I have no scanner and that makes too much fuss lugging cards to work on more than 1 day. And this week just happened to be a big 1. I skipped a few weeks in a row a couple of weeks ago cause had next to nothing! And the 1/1, lucked onto it early in a BIN listing