jimmy jackson
yellows2k said:i know a lot of brazilians that come to australia
Really? Any hot ones? Like the ones I found on Morpheus? Dude we is homies. My friends are your friends.

yellows2k said:i know a lot of brazilians that come to australia
Shoes said:go work at mcdonalds
yellows2k said:jimmy, brother, u would not believe the amount of brazilian rotties (its an inside joke, ill tell u later) that i see. im going to brazil- rio de janeiro, in july to compete in the brazilian jiu jitsu mundials (world championships), and it will be wall to wall my friend.
everything that u see on teh internet about brazilian chicks is true, except the trannies, unless thats ur thing. but then again, some r pretty hot......wait, no, i didnt say that.
yellows2k said:oh and another thing aj, i dont even know why im calling u that, someone else did, so i might as well, then again, i dont know u as u said, so another thing wolves34jr, from ur post, u come across as being very defensive and offended by my post, it reminded me of how, for a lack of a better term, bogans react when they are being insulted, or rather, they r being told reality, as opposed to their reality.
and before u spout off about me not knowing u, by your very actions where u complan about being sacked and how ur the victim, and how u cant get this or cant get that, it paints a very clear picture or who u r.
so although i may not know who u really r, i think i have a pretty good picture of the type of person that u may be.
u may ask how i can do this, well, lets just say that living and growing up in newcastle, owning businesses there, i have dealt with the various social "elite" that comes through, and they have pretty much the same ideology and viewpoint that u have. they share the same mentality that the system is out to get them, they share the same idea that because they r disabled in some way, they can use it as an excuse, they share the same idea that being a particular sex means that they r disadvantaged, they share the same idea that .......u might get the picture.
so u can say that my experiences have allowed me to get a great insight into the typical dole bludger mentality, how when it comes to pension day, they choose to spend it on unncessary luxuries rather than necessities.
ask urself this, why would someone that doesnt have a job, pursue a hobby that in itself is a luxury. perhaps u enjoy it, perhaps u feel u can make money from it.
but really, isnt ur time better spent bettering urself, rather than spending all ur time on the internet, racking up hundreds, even thousands of posts.
but i shall step back, because im sure trey has amazing stories about the true battlers in our society.
also, this isnt supposed to be a personal attack, rather an observation, that i choose to share openly. and hopefully, u might take it upon urself to evaluate why, why i would do this. or u could take the opportunity to reply with further hate, aggression and more defensive excuses. its up to u
DVS said:AJ, i feel for your situation. And i believe that everyone here that is in a better situation is jumping on your back unjustified.
In saying that, as i have mentioned in past posts...if you are looking for a job in radio, i could probably get you one in rocky, QLD. If you are willing to make sacrifices (ie. moving, change of lifestyle etc) then work will come. Maybe it is just a matter of looking outside the square.
Alternitivley, i had a very similar conversation to this one with a guy in my footy team. He is out of work and it is creating all sorts of problems for his relationship etc. I said, why not just get any job (maccas, trolley boy etc),but he was too proud to go for a position like that. I think that is crap.
There are times when you need to swallow your pride, and do what is best for your life!!!
Well you know where to ask if you havent found anything by November!!!wolvesjr34 said:Hey mate for sure... I'm hoping to have work before my lease expires in November.... but if I do not a month beforehand I will definitely be broadening my search. At this point with a lease that requires me to payout if I leave early (or continue paying until they find a suitable replacement - and this place is kinda a dive lol) relocation is not an option. I am optimistic enough to keep trying for stuff in and around where I live - otherwise I risk a bigger financial burden.
I'm not too proud (not saying you were necessarily implying I was just giving some insight) let me tell you a little bit about the job I did for the last two years.
I would work from 6am until just after 6pm. If I was lucky, I would get paid 12 hours a week when I effectively was at one point doing 12 hours a day. The reason being I was paid for each little segment I monitored. Nevermind all the extra work that went into it day in day out.... and at one point I was REQUIRED to sit at my computer during the off periods (like the three hour block between 9am and midday where no monitoring was required) incase a sale came up and required processing. Granted if I processed a sale I got $8. Very rarely did I get to process enough sales to make up for all the hours in the day I had to sit there or be fired.
So nope, not too proud. That job stressed me out to no end and the conditions were sucky the wages sucky.... but I stuck at it for two years.
So pride is no real issue... I'd take any job where you got paid for the hours you did.... even if it was a shitty $10 - $12 an hour. But I do have some ambition, and I don't think taking a dead end job is the go either, though I am not adverse to temporarily taking a dead end job for some more experience and a referee if I was lucky - hence why I apply for everything and anything.
And Yellow mate... listen I do agree with some of your views regarding some people out there that just sit around not even trying to get work. I'm just not one of them eh.