Next Card show in Melbourne

Well i just got back and i didn't get the steve waugh i was after, I felt like i was looking for a lost dog handing over a printer sheet saying 'have you seen one of these'?

Sorry Liam There wasn't a Mallet there today!!
Pleant of Dangerfields Ryan but they were all Ebay sellers, so you could get them there.
It was great to see Russell (Pineneedlebeetle) And John (Ultimate TC) Thanks for the coffee Russ you picked up some great cards including the rare Brian Lara 375, Please post that one mate others will love to see it!

I never expected to see so many there it took half an hour to get in but great to see it so popular! and i did win a beanie baby??!! funny that i had to pay $10 for it even though i won it!

And a very well fed storm trooper was walking around too, very funny!!

The next one is at Malvern Town Hall on the 22nd August!!
See you there!!



Ha ha look at that Stormtrooper - too many pints with the Rancor Keeper at Jabba's Palace i reckon!!

Thanks for the rundown Dan, looked like a great show indeed! This is the one (and only) time every year I wish I was a Victorian!

C'mon everyone - show us your hauls!!!
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