hi robinsonfan50 im baxter im with sirdyan Shaquille O'neal is 1/1
and the Chris Paul is 2/9
thanks baxter and dylan
The only /1 O'Neal listed from 06\07 SPGU is a LogoMan?
There is this By The Letter, but it is /5, and not priced due to scarcity.
2006-07 SP Game Used By the Letter #SO Shaquille O'Neal /5 N/A
Best to look for some recent sales of something similar.
The CP3;
2007-08 Bowman Elevation Relics Patches Dual #CP Chris Paul /9 N/A
Also not priced, due to scarcity. Most cards with a print run of 15 or less cannot be valued by beckett.
As i stated above, you will have to check eBay for completed items to get some sort of idea what collectors are willing to pay for them.

Hope this helps,