NBA card specialist in Perth A1CardsandGaming presents OZCARDTRADERS * DEDICATED COLLECTORS LIST *

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Just Finished updating the website, long over due.

Oj Mayo - 560 - Onvison
Oj Mayo Autographs - 163 - Onvison
(Oj Mayo - 1/1 - 26)

I haven't updated my Mikan collection numbers for awhile and it looks like this thread could do with a bump...

George Mikan - 131 - The Flying Gerco
Cheers Matt,

It's been a pretty crazy month for A1 so I will update this asap :) Keep those collections going strong ladies and Gents :thumbsup:
hi mate
been awhile but just counted my cards havent updated my photobucket coz the rest of my cards are in perth and wanna do them altogether should be able to do it next month anyway i have

829-west coast eagles- luck_of_the_irish

quick question my mates name is on my oct account also can i add her collection of collingwood cards?
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