NBA 2K9 Tournament

How's your connection looking Phil, are you on yet mate?

*Oz said:
I'm ready! What kind of time gap are you thinking to get each round up to date? I think we need to organise a cut off time so everyone is facing their next round opponent at the same time. It will be all over the place otherwise.

I was thinking of doing 7 days just to be sure. Most can do the 1 round in a night (could be 3 games, about an hour and half maybe).

How does everyone else feel?
hey guys i could be the 8th player...whats the deal with it? Let me know and i could fill the spot! Cheers

Details on previous page(s).

8 Teams, we all get randomed and get to pick a team each.

Played best of 3 in playoff-style tree.
Should have probably read at least the first page on the thread lol...i dont hava xbox only ps3...sorry guys
Fair enough.

Looks like we're back to square one guys. Need an 8th player again....

I was thinking a week would be perfect, run it from monday to sunday? Most series' would get completed on a weekend I'm guessing, people just have more time then.

I'm sure we'll find an 8th, if worst comes to worst, I've got a mate who just hooked up live, has 2k9 but he's not a member here...
Sorry guys. Have changed my live tag to LicenceToDaddy, also have been absent from here due to upgrade of dsl2, so my connection is 10up.
Updated initial post, please review details.

We'll need that 8th player to proceed, and of course, we'll have to reselect teams again....

I'm keen for someone to bring in an outsider, just to get this bloody thing going!! :thumbsup:
Awesome, I think we're all wanting to get this going, it's been bloody ages, lol!

Anyone who can play and has a mic, that'd be fantastic!
Alright, finally got our 8th player if no one has put their hand up. Not a member here, if you add him just say you know him through Ozirus24. He's pretty good but still getting use to 2k9 and plays fair. We had heaps of classic battles in 2k and 2k1 back in the day on the DC. Has a head set and can get one round done in a week, 3 games if necessary if it's still best of 3.

Gamer Tag is; RoboticPoet23

Let's get this show on the road! And hopefully if it runs well we can run a few more.

Is anyone up for Team Up mode? Even if it's only say 3 players vs 3 players with 4 AI, it's heaps of fun when you play real basketball. If you're playing with random opponents and they happen to get Wade or Kobe etc they can tend to get the one man team complex if they're hacks. Have had a few good games though, especially if everyone has headsets and plays properly. Should organise some games like that for a sunday night or whatever works for whoevers interested.

Let me know. :v:
Being a member, if Westriot wants in I'll save my mate a spot for a future Tournament, hopefully we'll be aiming for more than 8 and need a spot filled. If this one runs well, there's no reason not to run more.

I think we have our 8th spot filled, let's get it going... :)
hey oz, no worries. i played the game and i'm quite terrible at it. i need some more months before i can play in a roto league. thanks for the offer anyhow, i will join in the future
We should try and aim for a monday start I reckon. One round a week, best of three games (or even five to draw it out a bit), monday to sunday to get it done which should be ample time. Sundays usually end up being good days to get games in and hopefully everyone can get a few done through the week of an evening then wrap it up on the weekend or whatever time is convenient for both players.

Now that we got 8, we should at least start picking teams again, that took long enough the last time.

If RB23 is in, I know he wants the Suns, did anyone pick them previously? If not we might aswell just asign him that team, everyone keep their original selections, replace his spot with Mark1711 and then the ball will be officially rolling.

What does everyone else think? Should be open for discusion, but seems like a lack of interest since waiting to fill the spots a second time round. Any thoughts? And more importantly, Is everyone ready to start playing games?

Scotty, start cracking the whip, sending off mass PM's and get the thread active again or this will never happen. :(
Hey guys, sorry, hadnt caught up in here...

Gaz, I think you should jump on mate, we're not all great at it, just ask Colin... :thumbsup:

Nah seriously, it'd be tops to get members only in on this one, then we can expand to something different later.

Agree with Steve's post above, we need to discuss team selections.

I'm ready to start playing when ever! Just not today, I'm STUFFED! lol.
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