NBA 2K11 Australian And New Zeland League PS3


Real Name
Im just looking for around 20-30 people that might be interested in a NBA 2k11 Tournament Fantasy League.
Ranga91 which is on this forum a lot so you guys might know him.
We would love to get a league going with active players that want games all the time!
Send me a PM Or just comment below if you want in and add my PSN:

We would be the 3 admins and creators of this new league hope you guys are interested thanks for you time.
We will post league settings in comments if you need/want to know
espially with ranga being the only decent admin... Swizz will just reset all of his losses for wins anyway! :rolleyes:

Haha I was thinking the same thing, I think as Admins they've done it before, resetting their own games. But I either want to start up this league which will consist of divisons each division will have 5 players from a different forum, at the time being I want to try and get 5 guys from mygaming, ozcardtrader, sixaxis and then 5 random people so 4 divisions with 5 players each, equaling a 20 players league. The reasoning behind this is it will probably be more competitive and lead to solid rivalries between forums and people within the forums vying for top spot in their division and ultimately claiming best forum/2k11 player haha.

I hopefully want to get sim sliders, factoring in 3 pointers being too easy in most leagues and attacking the paint being too easy, so lowering them and helping out mid range guys and keeping the game more fun and equal for everyone. Being 2k11 is so easy to exploit, I want to try and get a league thats even, no rules really set in stone but sliders that will hopefully affect the game and keep it even. Its probably easier said than done but I want to try and if anyones keen let us know and give us some ideas too.

Thanks guys.
Haha I was thinking the same thing, I think as Admins they've done it before, resetting their own games. But I either want to start up this league which will consist of divisons each division will have 5 players from a different forum, at the time being I want to try and get 5 guys from mygaming, ozcardtrader, sixaxis and then 5 random people so 4 divisions with 5 players each, equaling a 20 players league. The reasoning behind this is it will probably be more competitive and lead to solid rivalries between forums and people within the forums vying for top spot in their division and ultimately claiming best forum/2k11 player haha.

I hopefully want to get sim sliders, factoring in 3 pointers being too easy in most leagues and attacking the paint being too easy, so lowering them and helping out mid range guys and keeping the game more fun and equal for everyone. Being 2k11 is so easy to exploit, I want to try and get a league thats even, no rules really set in stone but sliders that will hopefully affect the game and keep it even. Its probably easier said than done but I want to try and if anyones keen let us know and give us some ideas too.

Thanks guys.

Why don't you get others to be the moderators then?

In terms of exploiting. It's not really exploiting if the defense is poor. I think PIP % is fair enough because it shows how much people are tending to force it in the middle. Having "even" strategies isn't realistic, look at the NBA - some teams have better perimeter games, some have better inside games and force it inside.

There will always be "exploiting" of strengths and weaknesses, and there is nothing wrong with that - people just need to stop being sore losers. The ONLY case in which it should be considered unfair is when there is an EXCESSIVE amount of PIP, to the point where people pump it inside EVERY SINGLE TIME. In that case the PIP % rule stops it happening.
Why don't you get others to be the moderators then?

In terms of exploiting. It's not really exploiting if the defense is poor. I think PIP % is fair enough because it shows how much people are tending to force it in the middle. Having "even" strategies isn't realistic, look at the NBA - some teams have better perimeter games, some have better inside games and force it inside.

There will always be "exploiting" of strengths and weaknesses, and there is nothing wrong with that - people just need to stop being sore losers. The ONLY case in which it should be considered unfair is when there is an EXCESSIVE amount of PIP, to the point where people pump it inside EVERY SINGLE TIME. In that case the PIP % rule stops it happening.

Yep fair enough I'd say. However if you play someone who is going to leave the lanes open every time, you are going to take advantage of that aren't you. I mean are you suppose to give up an easy 2 just so you can get your PIP% down and take a mid range shot?
Yep fair enough I'd say. However if you play someone who is going to leave the lanes open every time, you are going to take advantage of that aren't you. I mean are you suppose to give up an easy 2 just so you can get your PIP% down and take a mid range shot?

I completely agree with you. But it's rare that the person will leave the lanes open THAT MUCH that a person could score over 70% of their points in the paint. I feel you though, if guys legitimately can't stop you in there then get in there - but I think the case when guys abuse it, is when for instance they pass up wide open J's so they can crash course into there. When guys are doing that 90% of the time it ruins the game for sure.
I completely agree with you. But it's rare that the person will leave the lanes open THAT MUCH that a person could score over 70% of their points in the paint. I feel you though, if guys legitimately can't stop you in there then get in there - but I think the case when guys abuse it, is when for instance they pass up wide open J's so they can crash course into there. When guys are doing that 90% of the time it ruins the game for sure.

Yep for sure. Will always be those who abuse it. Reason I was asking is beacuse I am fairly new to these leagues and wanted to get more of an idea of where the line in the sand could be drawn. I recently got accused of 'cheesing' in a game because of this, even though I had a 0-12 record in the previous league and the member had beaten me a couple times before.
Not sure what an acceptable level of PIP is. If you look at today's NBA games they range from 31-42% of their score is PIP. Do we go by that or need to increase it due to inferiorities in the game (ie isn't as dynamic, AI problems, player constraints etc). See to me anywhere from 40-60% PIP is acceptable, anything above that is just too excessive to me and personally I wouldn't complain unless someone exceeded that. Like i said though I am new to this and have no idea what has been accepted in the past.
Yep for sure. Will always be those who abuse it. Reason I was asking is beacuse I am fairly new to these leagues and wanted to get more of an idea of where the line in the sand could be drawn. I recently got accused of 'cheesing' in a game because of this, even though I had a 0-12 record in the previous league and the member had beaten me a couple times before.
Not sure what an acceptable level of PIP is. If you look at today's NBA games they range from 31-42% of their score is PIP. Do we go by that or need to increase it due to inferiorities in the game (ie isn't as dynamic, AI problems, player constraints etc). See to me anywhere from 40-60% PIP is acceptable, anything above that is just too excessive to me and personally I wouldn't complain unless someone exceeded that. Like i said though I am new to this and have no idea what has been accepted in the past.

The last few leagues I've been a part of (run by Digeze and Zelmeister) have generally enforced a PIP % rule of no higher than around either 65% or 70% at maximum.
I reckon if I use the simulation sliders it should be alright, but yeah I agree sometimes its being a sore loser. But I have had my fare share of games where they run around like a chicken then pass it right under the ring and dunk it a few times to either get the lead or catch up which just gave me the absolute ****s. Then theres the guys that go for shots and draw a few players in and then pass it mid shot under the ring for the dunk, also players that play off ball defense and just play the passing lanes frustrates the hell out of me.

But yeah different Admins would be a good idea, also a fixed league just to change it up just because every leagues been draft lately.
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