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Simply, there are precious few moments during the course of any trading card season that*pack as much impact as the one you’re about to experience. That’s not hyperbole.
The official unveiling of the Rookie Card designs for*National Treasures Football is a stop-you-in-your-tracks event every year, for it foreshadows the face of some of that*season’s most coveted, consequential and valuable*cards across*the entire industry. As you’re about to see, 2011 National Treasures Football aims to please.
In the interest of full disclosure, I first caught a glimpse of these beauties*several weeks ago when they arrived hot off the presses from the Panini America*production facility. Before they could be sent to the respective players to receive their on-card autographs, I scanned the following 36 cards — including*base RCs as well as Gold and Platinum parallels — for a gallery to be*named later.
Since I simply couldn’t wait anymore, this is that gallery. Enjoy this exclusive first look and*let us know what you think about this year’s design in the comments section below.*Stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for*a must-see follow-up gallery*as the signed versions begin returning to the office.

Read more over at the Panini Blog...