My website finally completed

Truly spectacular collection Nick. 97/98 was such a nice year for you collection :eek:

It makes me want to chase more MJ cards for my own collection now ... :blink:
Nice start with the website Nick! Couple of suggestions for you to ponder:

- A section for serial numbered cards, /100, /50 etc. and give card details
(manufacturer, year, set etc).
- Card details on the auto'ed cards.
- Top 25 section, where you countdown your favorite cards and give commentary on why you like it or a story about obtaining it or information about the card etc. and card details.
- Higher res photos of GP on the main page and some photoshopping to tie them in together.
lol @ 11-12 year!

Great work on the site!
I know the amount of time that it took to get it to here and you can be very proud of not only the collection but the site that you are presenting it with!
One suggestion I would make is the spend some more time on the Banner. It is on every page and it is the main image of the site.
Reopen the photoshop and have fun, or make a thread on here to have someone make some some for you, Im sure there are more than a few PSers out there.
Other then that I love it!
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