My Oddbodz website - HOT reveals

I just thought that I'd post a quick update to my site:
I've completed the hot sets for both the original and space series so they've all been up for a little while now.
I've rescanned most of the full card images for the original series so they're looking a bit sharper.
Also I've started a page for the Oddbodz in Hypervision series. I don't have too many hot cards for this series yet but I will continue to update if and when I get new cards.
I'd just like to mention one final update to my site.

As well as having all of the original and space series sets I have also added all 40 hot Hypaheads Hypervision cards since my last update. Also I will NOT be adding any of the AFL or Twisted Oddbodz cards in case anyone was wondering. I would however love to complete the Oddbodz in Hypervision series so if anyone has any of the 9 hot cards that I'm missing for sale or trade then please let me know so that I can add them to the site. They are:

10 Disco Boghops
15 Bikini Bunyip
17 NoNeck McGee
18 Peewee Woossbag
20 Ted E. Sook
28 Human Tornado
29 Supergeek
39 Freda Freakface
54 Ms Mesmerizer

Thank you.
Hey dude I wanted to know if you knew anything about the Doc Fever Red Glow from the Space set? I cant find anything online about it. Any idea of its value?
Imma leave this here. found among a box of 25 yr old basketball cards in this screwdown, so at least then, my brother thought it was worth something lol.

I have 5 hot misprints and 1 banned glow misprint and none of them have the banned writing on the back only the banned one has.
this one is different but you are still a scalper for putting it on ebay for $500 lol pretending that it was rare.
I know lots of these idiots and they are actually really nice people most of the time.
however you want to justify it to yourself is your business though, it is what it is.
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