My first TTM success... second success added!

Lucky I scrolled through the other posts on here before posting, you had me hook line & sinker also. That's a great idea and they look amazing.

Keep us posted with the rest.
thanks for your kind comment guys.

I have done personal logomen cards (with the picture of the collector) for members of my german cardboard, but at the moment I have to disappoint everyone who asked to get one made. I'm writing my Master's Thesis and don't have the time right now. Sorry!
They look really good, convincing to some (obviously, huh Chad???), but you could have gone a little further on originality, taking out the Ultimate Collection & Upper Deck logos, and creating your own.

It's pretty cool that they've signed them for you. Did you include a letter to say what you're doing with them (creating your own set, etc).
I really like the Design of the 06-07 Ultimate Logomen, so I wanted the cards to look "real"... that's why I used the Ultimate Logo, but turned it around so it stands for D like deeluxe.

but you're right, I could have atleast designed my own Logo. :( but it helped to even more confuse some people here. :D

I sent a letter with the cards, but just mentioned that I collect through the mail AUs not that I make my own Logomen set.
wow lovely cards mate!!
really cool:)

How were you able to print them off onto cardboard stock etc?
Would be interested, as id love to try do some myself for another sport!!!
I think a lot of people would love to know how they are printed!! Would you be able to take us through what paper stock you are using and what printer you are using?
You must have a pretty descent printer and good paper stock, they look sooo real

I'm going to tackle this style is probably way out of my league but worth a shot, its a 2006 Exquisite Signature Patch, my fave Ortiz Patch and Auto card together, going to try make a Travis Blackley one

You've inspired me!

Ortiz Patch Auto.JPG
Where did you get the nba logomen from?
lovely cards .. cant get over how good they are.
Read you instructions .. now to attempt it maybe on the w/e?? haha
Im just crappy at photoshop:)
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