My Birthday


Antoine Walker collector
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Well its my birthday today so feel free to send me money, Antoine Walker cards or your girlfriends :p and yes I have started drinking!
Its just not the same when you get older, 22 and all I got was socks and jeans from mum and $20 and a card from my grandma, shes lost it I think she forgot how old I am. Not even a mailday and I'm waiting on so much!
Did you get the handkerchiefs I sent you ?????

I tried to make up for your presents I knew you would get!

Happy Birthday mate. May your night lots of fun with a Toine shimmy or two! LOL
happy birthday man ...great night to have a birthday tomorrow is a public holiday can i send my gf as a present? lol j./k
oz-antoine said:
Its just not the same when you get older, 22 and all I got was socks and jeans from mum and $20 and a card from my grandma, shes lost it I think she forgot how old I am. Not even a mailday and I'm waiting on so much!

I hope the card from your Grandma was an Antoine!!!:rolleyes: (just kidding)

Well it doesn't say it's your birthday down the bottom of the page, so unless you give us proof by scanning your birth certificate, NO BIRTHDAY WISHES FOR YOU!!!!



What about if I send my Grandma around instead?!?

Cheers guys, was a very messy night!!! There was much Toine shaking to be had.

Even better waking up to see a nice box score Miami up 2 games. Walker 17 and 10 boards!
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