Last week we had some posts about a box that had been purchased from Terry Boyd at bigboydsportscards3, and which appeared to have been opened, and re-sealed in clear plastic wrapping
Prior to that post being made, I had purchased 3 boxes from that eBay seller.
All 3 boxes arrived today, and all 3 appear to have been opened and re-sealed
There are no Upper Deck Logos on any of the wrapping
Needless to say, I wont open any of the boxes
I'll scan them and send the seller an email
Very very disappointing
Prior to that post being made, I had purchased 3 boxes from that eBay seller.
All 3 boxes arrived today, and all 3 appear to have been opened and re-sealed
There are no Upper Deck Logos on any of the wrapping
Needless to say, I wont open any of the boxes
I'll scan them and send the seller an email
Very very disappointing