My Apologies

chadjaja® said:
The difference between JZA and shoes... JZA apologises and we all learn from this. Next time it gets nipped in the but at the start.

Now for shoes

shoes says:
if u get this shoes says hes back and this is what hes going to do
shoes says:
now i might blackice their whole forum and bring it down just gotta get in touch with my broher
chadjaja says:
ahhhh coolll
shoes says:
I might crash the forum
chadjaja says:
lifetime ban then
shoes says:
ill get my bro and chikman his mate to hack it

To even say those things could get you BANNED from your ISP let alone this forum.........
chadjaja® said:
The difference between JZA and shoes... JZA apologises and we all learn from this. Next time it gets nipped in the but at the start.

Now for shoes

shoes says:
if u get this shoes says hes back and this is what hes going to do
shoes says:
now i might blackice their whole forum and bring it down just gotta get in touch with my broher
chadjaja says:
ahhhh coolll
shoes says:
I might crash the forum
chadjaja says:
lifetime ban then
shoes says:
ill get my bro and chikman his mate to hack it


What an idiot.
Can't believe I missed all this! lol.
Good to see you built a bridge rather quickly Jezza, would hate to lose you from here.

Shoes doesn't deserve comment after that info!
LOL shoes has admitted openly in the forum he doesnt know anything about computers and now hes going to hack the site? lol...what a tool

and welcome back JZA :)
Just thought I'd post that to show why I don't want him around period. I don't think others will argue now.

Thanks to the member that tipped me off. A good call to look after here than some idiot on msn like he is.
I always miss the exciting stuff
Dang! I had a trade with shoes oh well that's going to be history.
Welcome back JZA (even though I didn't know you left) Hope our deal
can be completed.
:shock: Where the hell was I, in a hole! :shock: Oh yeah doing the last of my assignments with the Flu, so in a hole pretty much!

Glad you're going nowhere Jez, Jiz whichever you prefer! :D

I think Shoes was "when keeping it real goes wrong" ala Dave Chappelle! :D
I think Shoes was "when keeping it real goes wrong" ala Dave Chappelle!

LOL! More like the kid at school who had A.D.D. and needed attention like a puppy dog.

I personally think if no one responded to his posting he wouldn't have logged so many. When people throw fuel into the fire it makes it more explosive, as we saw with a joke gone wrong in the form of a poll, and then it turning to....well we know the rest.

As for hacking the site well it was said a joke, and since Shoes has an IQ of his shoe size about computers - black ice defender is a firewall type program to guard or notify of hacking, so for him to say he is going to use it against the forum should have said this guys knows crap about computers and maybe it was a joke gone wrong.

However, when it comes to cards, his IQ is up there with the best. When he wants to shoes has contributed properly to the site, has a feedback of 8 and given people free inserts for their sets etc etc.

I think if he is man enough to apologise he should be given a 2nd chance.

If he doesn't apologise then the lifeban should remain.

I guess it's up to shoes and admin.
Just thought I'd apologise to JZA for draging him into this mess and im glad he is allowed back on the boards. I'd also like to say sorry to chad for hijacking his thread, its true that you have the right to charge what you like for card, without having me or anyone for that matter jump down your throat.

I thought I had said I was wrong and ended the discussion before the JJ post, but I guess my post in chads forum and my "post whoring" contributed. And as for the "hacking" it was said in a private msn conversation as a joke and in the heat of the moment with someone from here I thought was a mate....(wrong I guess again). I wont mention his name he knows who he is and probably thought he was doing the right thing by the site, so I'll cop that to.

Anyway sorry if I upset anyone and dont worry about deleting this username I wont post here again unless im invited back by the mods who think I have learned and served my time. To the people I have deals with...(yes kidd you do need to send me my card although from ya post you already have... :)) you can get my email off of any of my old posts (shouldnt be hard to find HA HA HA) and I'll still go through with them. (If nothing im honest).

Ummm thats all have fun guys and sorry If I pissed anyone off I work nights and have alot of free time on my hands and I guess I just overdid it here with to many posts. Thanks and maybe cyas one day. Cal (Shoes)
it cant be shoes he only has one post to his name, jks
nah well im the least in power in terms of the mods but thats not a bad apology. You will defiantly cop a ban, but if others take this to heart you may return but if you do than read the rules and only post constructive posts, no one sentence bullshit. maybe a 2 week /month ban i dont know.
ShoesPart2 said:
I thought I had said I was wrong and ended the discussion before the JJ post, but I guess my post in chads forum and my "post whoring" contributed. And as for the "hacking" it was said in a private msn conversation as a joke and in the heat of the moment with someone from here I thought was a mate....(wrong I guess again). I wont mention his name he knows who he is and probably thought he was doing the right thing by the site.

I dont care mate, im happy for you to name me. I also did it as a joke with Chad and it went a bit far. I appologise that it got out of hand and hope someday we can chat again.
Glad JZA is back.

I liked shoes too, even if he was a little daft and overactive sometimes. We all have our moments. I'm not going to comment on his going or coming back or anything, not my place as I am not a mod.

To me the apology seemed sincere that's all I can comment upon.
I hope shoes can come back...yes his post whoring was annoying, but he had some sweet cards, like i said in another thread, the board probably just needed its anti-flood measures risen a little (and I think they have been?) and we should start seeing some worthy posts! Shoes isnt the only person guilty of the old post whoring, and I'd like to think anthonypoweranthony is the only person worthy of the boot
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