For me, I'm a common card collector foremost. I used to buy a full parallel set and two parallel team sets (Souths and Melbourne), then got to the Gold/Black 2nd parallel team sets.
Luckily, I deal with a fantastic dealer, who caters to my needs. I don't go after high end. Basically, commons, low parallel and things like FOTG, Engine Room, that sort of subset. And Souths sigs. For 7 years he's looked after me really, really well.
This Elite set, there's nothing really in it for me. The Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald subsets have killed it for me. I still went for the two sigs, but there's nothing else really worth chasing. I'll get the Souths stuff up to parallel silver and that's it.
So I've basically gone from being a minor master set (less all the sigs etc) to a team set. And this year, for Elite I'm only doing it out of loyalty to my dealer. I've bought 5 packets from a newsagent, now for 2 parallels. At $40 that's not value. That's not value at all. ESP have also doubled the price of a Premiers set, and made them exclusive. Souths had their own exclusive Premiers set. They were $80. Now $25. My collection has devalued almost 75% on that set. Cowboys were exclusive to the club and they charge $15 postage. Sharks I had to nab from another dealer who helped me out. But then they did the signed exclusive Sharks set. They did SoO for a couple of years until they got bored with it. I haven't seen the jersey round cards out yet...assuming they're coming soon but out of my price range. And that's the killer. I don't mind exclusive stuff but there's too much for a small market and it's too costly. Assuming they play favourites, it's not fair either. And ok, I'm having a whinge, and back on point...emerald ruby and sapphire are nice...but not my cup of tea, can't justify the price and am off collecting them, so Elite is a bust for me. The commons aren't even that good either. Even if I did bust something, in a month, the value will be gone. After 2 weeks on the shelves, the value is gone anyway looking at some of the prices now.
ESP would be better of gauging who the big $$$ collectors are and make exclusive Mastersets for them. A Hobby and Newsagent split would be better too, and priced accordingly.
Not having a dig at sellers either because they have to make a buck. Problem is, I find, some random will bust a sig or a ruby and fire sale it on here or eBay because they'll take what they can get (And they get $50 on a sig card they bought out of a $8 packet, whereas the dealers buy cases and need these sigs to sell at $100 to break even) and then the dealers are stuck with stock they can't sell at profit margins that make them go for a loss. People then whinge dealers are 'over priced' when you can get an XXX sig for $50 BIN on eBay. And sadly, there's no longevity in the product. Two weeks out, I reckon most collectors have spent big $$$ and busted/traded what they need OR are sitting back despondent because they got something they can't swap / sell for love nor money.
I like Matt's idea of seeding ruby etc in as single cards not single packs. I'd probably chase stuff then. Maybe.
That said, I love Traders and PPX for the range of cards. And yes, there is too much to collect in those sets but the price is better and the options are juicier. This Elite set does nothing for me.
Anyway...incoherent rant over. Good luck however you collect and I hope you find what you want.