mmh..i smell Beckett Supercollector


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a other collector just sent me that pic of the newest beckett magazine :-9

i think thats huge..big sorry for it, but you can read it that way i think

its strange..antoine walker has been 2 times feautured in the supercollector thing. first ozantoine with his incredible walker collection 2 or 3 months ago..and now my twin brother. who could have ever thought of that lol..i mean..its antoine walker:D
but honestly, it was always a dream to be featured there and it becase true!
they contacted me cause of my kobe bryant colelction, but fortunately i could also take my brother in would not be a nice feeling to be alone featured there: crioatiantwins are always 2;)

So what's happend? Your Bro got on the Super Collector List?

Congrats on the effort, you ortta show us some of ur bro's collection, or get him to join up....

EDIT: Image works!
Is that all your stuff???

Post up a few more pics, there's shit loads!!!!!!!!
thank you all guys!!
my brother has a hige jordan collection that he got together just from trades in a timeframe of 4 years..he has got 650 just from personal trades. in 2 weeks my cousin will come with his jordan collection of also about 600 cards so that we will bring that together to make it bigger. the special part is that the most cards in our colelctions comes from trades, mostly personals (my bro has got all jordans just through personal tades with other traders, then he switched to antoine walker..we have internet since 2002..and we are a ebay member since june 2003. most cards of my kb colelction are from trades: personal or via internet (expect of course all these rare stuff like plates,masterpieces)
i have decorated that room to make most of the things visible, but there is not much visible, lol..i have put all the stuff on the beds and in every corner, but you cannot see that so well

ah, forgot it, thanks to everyone that helped me on my collection...every card is a big success, also if its just a basecard, i still have not traded that much here, but i am on the right way
i was really like obsessed some years was like a drug with that stuff, lol..really.but now it all has cooled down a bit

thanks man:D

@the pie
thanks, thats a shrine room?..just wait -in some weeks i a moving to a new appartment, i have already painted one room in purple, that is going to be a shrine room:D

thanks man, your 15 minutes will also come;)

thanks, its nice -i think we are actually the first from germany to be supercollector. it is nice that it all gets more and more worldwide

@the true truth
thanks brad, thats awesome!.i nice to have such a "title" : BKCM supercollector..thats what i always wanted to be!!

@vlad and aj
thanks guys. it was time that someone fromm germany gets in there as a supercollector, i thuink we are the first from germany to be featured there :-)
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