So Weidman, Mir and Werdum were over in Chechnya as guests of honour of Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of the Chechen Republic.
Except of course Kadyrov has a laundry list of human rights abuse allegations lodged against him. He was Chechen rebel that lead his own private militia called the "Kadyrovtsy", who have been accused of rapes, torture, kidnapping and assassinations. He was even seen in one of their own beheading videos. He is a Putin lackey, strongly supportive of the Russian incursion in Crimea, and many of those that speak out against him end up dead.
That's right...
Chris The All-American Weidman
This is essentially like Rodman going to North Korea to hang with Kim Jong-un.
And fun fact: Kadyrov loves horses. He owns Mourilyan, which raced in the 2009 Melbourne cup. Bob Brown remarked that if it had won the cup it "would be the lowest point in Australia’s sporting history". His other horses have run into problems in Germany (where their winnings were frozen, a situation which Kadyrov called “a disgraceful page in Germany’s history”...

) and more pertinently the US where the State Department was contacting the New York and Kentucky racing commissions to "make it fully aware of the longstanding allegations that have been made against Kadyrov". The Kentucky commission ordered Kadyrov to appear before a hearing which of course he never showed, and his horses were scratched.
As a passionate F1 fan, this is a problematic situation I've seen all too many times before; are sport and politics mutually exclusive?
Ultimately I don't agree. Its events like an F1 race (or the 2022 FIFA World Cup) where dictators and warlords try to raise their international profile, deflecting attention away from their atrocities.
Be interesting if Dana White gets a call from the State Department too.