Its been a big day but we are finally here! 90% done, little changes here and there, gotta fill in the background but this is an idea
positve and negative feed back would be great
So sick man! If I can just add a little critique, the S at the end of the SONICS nameplate looks a little small. In the logo its meant to gradually get bigger so should finish just below his top teeth if that makes sense? But im just nit picking it looks fantastic.
Are you able to go darker on the background? Like almost black but a touch of green? I just think it blends into the jersey a little too much as is
Yea dude i already no about the logo and stuff and back ground just so wet every time I add to it , it smudges so ill wait for it to dry, also for the background to have tinge or green in the black , your always gotta put the brighter colour fighter the. A shadow wash of black to see the tinge also I only notices how small the S looked when I took a photo, for some reason when u take a pic at the end u find more faults than looking at it eye to eye weird! But sometimes I look into the camera to try improve the pic lol
Man I cant believe i havnt seen this thread, Dude youre pictures are freakin awesome. Man that is some raw talent right there youre pictures are better than what i am use to seeing in shops. Maybe you should think about a career change. truly remarkable accomplishments. I am in awe.
Yea dude i already no about the logo and stuff and back ground just so wet every time I add to it , it smudges so ill wait for it to dry, also for the background to have tinge or green in the black , your always gotta put the brighter colour fighter the. A shadow wash of black to see the tinge also I only notices how small the S looked when I took a photo, for some reason when u take a pic at the end u find more faults than looking at it eye to eye weird! But sometimes I look into the camera to try improve the pic lol
I hear you mate, i've drawn things before and thought it was perfect but after getting away from it or looking from another perspective you notice little things.
Don't get me wrong with that comment either, im a signwriter by trade so I know my letters/letter spacing etc and its one of those things set in my mind. I can spot crooked/wrong lettering on shop fronts driving past at 60k/hr
I hear you mate, i've drawn things before and thought it was perfect but after getting away from it or looking from another perspective you notice little things.
Don't get me wrong with that comment either, im a signwriter by trade so I know my letters/letter spacing etc and its one of those things set in my mind. I can spot crooked/wrong lettering on shop fronts driving past at 60k/hr
Haha all good nick no hard feelings , I appreciate negative feedback more than positive coz its only way ill learn and if u can see it at 60km and hour I understand u spotted the sonic sign pretty quick as its stationary hahahhaa
Ah great way to put it! Constructive feedback
I'm as confused as everyone about how I picked it up but ill take it anyhow! Haha anyway guys this Payton is my favourite now ! Haha came up exactly how I wanted it, gonna fix up things here and there then ill be started the Mike Hussey Mr cricket picture which is excited the poo outta me!
Hey mate, great work!
When you get the chance and you start painting like mad, I think you should check out and probably submit your drawings to them. Some other gifted ones there just like you!
Could be a good avenue for you to start reaching out to more people and sell, there's a ready market out there