Overnight-Celebrity right there folks, serious Smooch, you got some skills buddy!!! The Irving one was sensational, then to see the replication on the Iverson, that's incredible!
Keep at it, and get yourself a website made up, you need to get this stuff on display properly!!!
p.s. I understand you want to do this as a hobby, but if you decide to sell them, don't sell yourself short. Say you sold them for $50ea (just a figure), when you're putting about 10hrs into each painting, even at $10 an hour (incredibly cheap labor), you're selling yourself short. Unless you're happy to lose the time you've spent on them!
Keep up the great work, that's really something to be proud of!!
Scott that's very kind of you mate , I spoke to my girlfriend yesterday and told her it seems I'm getting some good feed back from the site and seems ill be busy for the next 2 weeks. She told me there are galleries that you can book in a spot and display your art and they can be viewed. Ill be looking into it as maybe see how much support I will get.
Just wanted to say thank you for all the support I have received , also please spread the word about my paintings, I'm so serious about it and IDE love to make the members of this forum happy by trying my best to attempt any painting that comes at me.
Your right about pricing and I can tell you and all the members , supplies + labour will be considered. My girlfriend has a friend at uni who paints portraits and cars etc. she does not sell anything for less than $300, I think that's extreme but end of the day these are 1/1 paintings and time , love and passion goes into ever stroke of a brush.

The members on this site can just offer me what they think is fair, I'm not going to ask a price , I'm just not going to accept anything under $100 , and I hope everyone understands, but anything over $100, I just want them to be honest with there offer and consider everything

I think that's fair?
Anyway I'm back into painting guys! Got some supplies on way home tonight

have a look! I'm ready to clean up the AI nose and cheek, then ill be starting that Gary Payton !
As for my girlfriends pics, ill upload one, she is fantastic at it