Michael jordan sp game used gold logoman 1/1 on ebay.

Why don't you send him a message and see if he will meet you to show you the card, especially since his scanner is broken....LOL.

I heard he was willing to meet up with another Sydney based collector to show them the card but I believe nothing was ever actually happened. I would ask him but he knows my ebay id and probably wouldn't show up for me.

He might have a replica. I will send him an email and ask a few things but im sure he wont reply because he has enough bids already for the scam and he could be watching this thread.
off the subject on the MJ, theres the exact same logomen but of LeBron on ebay now too. with the lebron you would've thought it would've been a 1/1 too like the MJ, Mayo, etc. NOPE! its like #ed to /7 i think it was. /1, or i wouldve accepted /2 made of LeBron.
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