May Avatar Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surprised no one had this one...

Would have loved Voltron or Astroboy or a Transformer but hey :)


It may be considered bad form to change....but I keep have flashbacks to my childhood.
Who else here loved it when the Harlem Globetrotters made a guest appearance on their favourite show?
It may be considered bad form to change....but I keep have flashbacks to my childhood.
Who else here loved it when the Harlem Globetrotters made a guest appearance on their favourite show?

They were later in a series where they were super heroes, where one (Sweet Lou) would pull stuff out of his afro, that was awesome!
Can't believe I forgot these guys!

Awsome cartoon stuff here everybody
how about danger mouse tho! how cool was he?:worthy: i got a couple of danger mouse dvds recently they rock!
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